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India by District -

The administrative division of India is a district & all government census (surveys) actually collect & publish detailed data at a district-level, not city & village level, since 1880 CE at some periodicity( decadal, mostly). India has remained the same geographically but in 2001 ( Census) India had 593 districts, in 2011 (Census), India had 640 districts. In end 2023, the total was 806 districts & the one-year freeze on additions (prior to a Census year) had not yet been announced so more segregations of existing districts can be expected. In all this, we at Prarang currently use a baseline of 768 districts. Each of these 768 districts has an administrative hub town ( DHQ – District Headquarter) with several of India’s 7,935 towns & 600,000 villages reporting to it. Each of these DHQ’s reports in to the 28 State Capitals & 8 U.T.s ( Union Territories), which in turn report in to India Country capital of New Delhi.

Prarang currently focuses on the 768 DHQs & their bio-regional districts (urban & rural mix).

World by Countries -

The Countries are a political division of the world, mostly sovereign nations/state & some parts of larger states. In end 2023, there were 193 Member States of the United Nations & 2 Observer States, spread across the 7 continents. Each of these 195 countries have an administrative Country Capital ( CC).

Prarang currently focuses on the 195 CCs & their Countries with their respective bio-regional areas, administered through various political segregations i.e. states, districts, regions etc.
